Processing TomatoEarly

HM 7103

"HMC627103 is an intermediate viscosity processing tomato that offers early maturity for processors with high yield and good holding power for the grower."

-Daryl Haarberg, Sales Manager, Processing Tomato

"An excellent early-season selection providing high yield, concentrated maturity, and excellent fruit quality." - Chris Carter - Product Manager - Processing Tomato


  • Second-early maturity
  • Excellent yield and adaptability
  • Strong compact vine with concentrated maturity
  • High brix and thin viscosity
Relative Maturity: 116 Days
A/B Fruit Col: 5.6
Target Class: Early Season
Raw Brix: 5.52
Viscosity: 2.09

Disease Resistances

  • HR: Fol: 1,2 | Va:1 Vd:1
  • IR: Ma Mi Mj | TSWV: T0 


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